The Inner Quality of Man
Personal, Social, and Political Implications
About the Author
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Essays: An Overview
Essays: The Responsibility and Power of Free Will
Essays: Realism and Idealism in Politics
Essays: Choosing the Inner Quality
Essays: The Inner Quality and Foreign Policy
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Essay 1: What is the inner quality?
Essay 2: Discovery of the inner quality
Essay 3: Moral imperatives of the inner quality
Essay 4: Social implications of the inner quality
Essay 5: Political implications of the inner quality
Essay 4: Social implications of the inner quality

The existence of the inner quality -- whether its origins are of God or of Nature -- implies that people are individuals and that they have a unique value as part of Life. Life transcends all things human; therefore, individuals have an inherent right to discover and express their inner quality. No society, no institution, no government, no other individual -- has a natural right to prevent or interfere with another person's pursuit of becoming their true self. The right to become one's true self is not granted by another individual; it is a birthright given to human beings by God or an evolutionary "gift" bestowed by Nature.

The right of discovery of one's true self is inherent in the status of being alive. As long as a person exists as a breathing, cognizant individual, that person has the right to improve their character and become a more productive and useful member of society. Society can benefit enormously from the contributions of individuals who have discovered and are expressing their inner quality. Artistic and intellectual creativity, technological breakthroughs and scientific insight, a keen sense of social responsibility, and good will towards all are the natural results of individuals becoming their true self.

Society has a right to protect itself, and social institutions have an obligation to preserve social order. However, society and its institutions have an equally important obligation to allow their members to progress at a pace defined by the collective free will of the people. If that collective will is to recognize and respect the value of the individual, and to encourage each individual to discover and express their inner quality, then the society which pursues this path as a matter of public policy will benefit enormously. Conversely, if society and its institutions seek to thwart the will of the people in their natural desire to improve their personal character and the conditions of their life, then the seeds of disorder are sown and social resilience can rapidly give way to conflagration.

None of us can completely know God (we don't know conditions on the other side of the galaxy). We can only know that portion of God within ourselves (what I call the inner quality), and that knowledge is only partial since the expression of one's inner quality is potentially limitless. When the inner quality is discovered, the individual's tolerance for the beliefs of others expands enormously. God's qualities of goodness are infinite and as widely dispersed as atoms in the universe. This means that other individuals and other societies may be exploring aspects of God different from ourself. If we do not believe in God, then the inner quality is an evolutionary step in mankind's consciousness that allows the individual to freely choose goodness over evil, tolerance over narrow-mindedness, and harmony over violence. An awareness of the inner quality thus has profound social consequences.

Because of the close connection between society and government, the knowledge and expression of the inner quality have important political implications as well. 

Essays on Survival and Transcendence in the 21st Century. Copyright 2011-2014 by Martin L.Lasater
WelcomeAbout the AuthorFile DownloadEssays: An OverviewEssays: The Responsibility and Power of Free WillEssays: Realism and Idealism in PoliticsEssays: Choosing the Inner QualityEssays: The Inner Quality and Foreign PolicyContact Information